Adult Educational Program
September 14th, 2024 from 8:00-10:15AM
On a crisp September morning, we will all be going out to the north side of the Marina Beach Park. While we sip coffee and eat pastries provided by a local bakery, we will all sit down on our chairs and tables to learn more about the Puget Sound, the ocean, and some history on where we stand. What is sand made up of? And where does driftwood come from? Why do the tides go in and out? Some of us spend our whole lives without understanding this fascinating place. But understanding the land and water around us is a fantastic way to engage our personal, spiritual, and mindful connection to our home. So during this morning, we will hear a forty-five minute speech on the ocean, the land, the history of the land, the whales, the marine life, and the tide tables. After that, a guided walk where we’ll put names to the thousands of creatures and things at our feet. We hope that you’ll walk away from our morning together with a newfound, mindful connection to this land and sound we call home.
In order to connect to nature, we must first understand who nature is!